MY lagu Card


MYlagu Prive Card holders enjoy special discounts and offers for their birthdays and other special occasions. Our card, which is composed of countless options in our product catalog, will set everyone free. It will be the savior for those looking for gifts.

MYlagu Prive Card, with its elegant design and packaging, aims to be the unique gift you are looking for for your loved ones, with the gift card spending limit that you can load into it.

When you acquire it personally, you can benefit from the privileges of the lagu world.

MY lagu Prive


The aim of MYPrive Card is to create a platform where we can have long-term conversations and establish closer relations with design enthusiasts. Here, our priority is to make our relationship permanent and to always feel you by our side. The points you have accumulated will always remain on your card and you will be able to use them whenever you want.

Onsite Visit

We visit your place as the first step with our professional team. Business, office or home, regardless of the content, we complete our tour with you to define the project we will produce and put the next steps on the calendar. With the MYPrive Card, you are of course at the forefront of our visit order.

3D Visualization

Drawings, whose projects we can interpret and evaluate together with your imagination, always reveal more precise results.

Design Customization

You can personalize our existing designs with the material change you want and add your own interpretation to Lagu products.

Appointment Shopping

It is now very easy to plan according to your own calendar with your card. You can get free consultation from our interior architect with MYLagu's appointment system.

Same Day Delivery

Do you want your purchased product to reach you immediately? In today's online shopping where logistics is at the forefront, we ensure that your product is sent to you on the same day as a MYLagu Prive Card holder for lagu accessories and selected furniture.

Gifts and Deals

Special discounts and deals for MYlagu Prive cardholders, birthdays and other special occasions.